Thursday, August 16, 2007

Those "old" websites in Chinese Internet market

The Chinese websites has developped for only 10 years. The oldest web company is just 10-year old shop. But, the "old" here doesn't mean the concept of time completely, but vitality.

Those web companies, founded between 1997 and 1999, such three portals as, and, such e-business company as alibaba and, or yesall in online ad field, have becomed ones of influence, dignitary and arrogance. Compared with resources, finance and people occupied by them, the innovation and value that they create has changed a lot. The youth era when they are full of energy has been the past and the growth rate of several hundreds percent has been the far memory.

Not only in China, but aslo in U.S, a lot of peple consider that Yahoo! has grown old, but Yahoo! is only 13 years old. However, compared to 9-year-old Google, Yahoo! has really become senile.

But an intrested thing is that when these "old" companies lost their spirit and have been reduced to traditional ones in Internet industry, it's strange that they are welcome in capital market, such as netsun. There are other "old" companies pondering money in the investor's pockets, such as Alibaba and Dangdang. 10-billion market value of Alibaba seems to come soon, but the 1-billion value of dangdang estimated by itself is really

overstated too much.

Maybe "old" stands for seniority in other industries, but in Internet, the most important thing is innovation. Yahoo! has experienced the change from favored by inversted to thrown by them in only several years. Inverstors find that its organism function is declining, though it can eat normally as usual. Its revenue has increased little, though it has a great number of users.

Of course, there are some "old" companies keeping energy. But, the "old" companies lack of vitality are all very high profile, while some "old" companies maintaining enery are very low profile.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Alimama Soft-Pedal on Test to Public Alibaba Enter into Ad Market

(SINA Tech 12nd Aug) Alibaba Corp. is now entering totally into Ad market and launch Alimama(, an online ad distributing website,which set up a bridge between advertiser and distributor, after trying to publish Ad system on

New version has involved such ad categories as real estate, auto, blog etc. and allow users to sell and buy ad placements. It is said by insiders that Alimama will make a unified plan for Alibaba, Taobao and Alipay in the future.

So far, Alibaba has not only owned basic online trade tool such as trade platform, online pay platform and software support, but also provided software support for seller and buyer.

Alibaba now explains nothing to the public. But in the Alimama's official introduction, it is expressed cleared that ad will be displayed in the trade market as commodities. At present, Ad pay method includes PPC(pay per click) and PPT(pay per time). Ad pay type contains text links and images.

Alimama says "there will be more ad types and methods launched soon".

Some watchers expresses that it can attract some large and middle sellers in alibaba and taobao and ad bugets from a lot of mid and small enterprises in China.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Lenovo CEO: Why we consider purchasing Packard Bell?

Lenovo CEO expressed yesterday to the media that they are taking purchase of Packard Bell into account as the part of future growth.

William Amelio, Lenovo CEO, not only proves the report that they intend to acquire this European PC maker factory but also compare it with the historical behavior "purchase of IBM PC". "We are always seeking the growth opportunity. In this key moment, we won't consider other purchase unless the on-going great purchase runs good " Willam Amelio said."This purchase seem to be like the mergence of IBM PC and Lenovo, which goes well in the past 2 years.Now I can ask myself 'When it growes well, do we improve the efficiency?or Is it now better for purchasing?'".

Lenovo has declared the finance result in the week befor this interview. Renenue rate growes with double figure and earing per share growes even 1100%.

Sales in the Americas grows 13%, so company gain the profits. Amelio contribute the growth in the Americas to the "trade model" which they depend on. He expressed that Lenovo would offer more tools for solution providers, do the marketing and expand the business.

"When this task has just had been given to me, people are suspricious and worried about wheter we can communicate with channels well"Amelio says."We expect to relieve these worries and make channels believe taht we will try our best to work with them and find the win-win way. We will be their valuable and indispensable collaborator."

As one of the oldest band in PC industry, Packard Bell was bought by Xu Lixin, founder of eMachine, from NEC and now has been focused on the PC and Electric Production maker in European market.

Altough Lenovo has benefited from IBM purchase and considered acquiring Packard Bell, Amelio expressed clearly that Lenovo won't get into every fields. So Amelio throw cold water on the rumors from high-level manager of Lenovo that they will enter into printer market through acquiring a printer company."We run the printer business in Chinese market, but there is none in other countries of world."Amelio said."This is a good idea like others, but the problem is that when is the best opportunity.So far, we have offered enough."

"I never say that we won't involve the printer business forever" Amelio says."I will say that the time is important. We will make sure that we have the ability to win what we decide to do, according to resources and people. "

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Lenovo acquire exclussive negotiation with packard. Acer maybe has gone out.

(SINA Tech 9th Aug) It is confirmed from Lenovo insider that Lenovo has conducted the exclussive negotiation with Packard, an European PC maker, while Acer perhaps has been out ahead in this purchase around.

20:07 7th Aug. Lenovo Corp claimed to acquire Packard Bell. SINA Tech has reported that the purchasing obeject of Acer, which has been discussed for long time, is just Packard Bell.

It is said by foreign media taht Xu Lixin, the owner of Packard Bell,denied that Acer had been involved in this aqusition. But Wang Daoxiong, the senior manager of PR in Acer, has implied in the end of June that Acer was definitely deliberating with Packard Bell about purchasing.

People concerned think that Xu Lixin's denial has not only proved the rumor that the negotiation between Lenovo and Packard Bell is exclussive, but also displayed both progress of negotiation. A hearsay, not proven by Lennovo officals, is that both sides has clinched the cooperation basiclly and they are waiting for declaring to the public.Acher has been kickked out.

Foreign team of Lennovo is understood to be responsible for the deal, not including Great China region of Lennovo who yet make no comments on it.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Baidu carry out the news portal strategy

(Donews 2007-8-7)
Recently, Baidu has updated the news channel which is closer to a news portal now.

Sohu IT contacts with a person concerned in PR dept of Baidu and he admits that there is no any propaganda for this new edition of news channel.All staffs are preparing for BaiduWorld, so they won't accept the interview and tell any related information.

When explaining the reason for the action, he says "Baidu's orginal business has reached a congestion under development in these years. While its oversea expansion is not pleasure, it will consider further development of national business. For the low requirements of web news, the construction of Baidu news channel will be a important direction."

Baidu got a news license and recruited a lot of news editor, which leads to this new edition. At the same time, Baidu will hold BaiduWorld. Baidu will put forward the IM and Email services and confirm there new media strategy.

It is said that news channel, as important part of Baidu new media strategy, contribute few traffics. According to statistic report by independent company, news channel only occupy 1% of whole traffic. Qu Xiaodong claims that Baidu will increase further investment on news channel to improve Page Views and Users with the aim to rise the Ad revenue. The key goal of Baidu is to become a media giant.